
美的 WQP6-3203A-CN 洗碗机用户手册
美的 WQP6-3203A-CN 洗碗机用户手册

障分析的说明,以帮助您自己处理一些常见的故障。有不符之处请以产品实物为准,恕不另行通知。洗碗机必须接地线,在出现故障和损坏时,流,从而有效的保护您免受触电伤害。在使用洗碗机时, 请警惕下面这些情况的发生。1) 不要让锋利的器具刮伤门密封条;2) 将锋利的刀叉刀柄向上放置,以免割伤手。允许的昀大进水压力是 。110ml 亮碟剂 容量大约是 。亮碟剂用量有6档或4档两种设定。如果不小心将亮碟剂溢出,

Roland罗兰乐器SRX-05 完美的舞曲音色扩展卡Owner’s Manual用户手册
Roland罗兰乐器SRX-05 完美的舞曲音色扩展卡Owner’s Manual用户手册

Thank you, and congratulations on your choice of the SRX-05. This expansion board provides a huge variety of tried-and-true. sounds geared for dance music, whether it be Techno, House,HipHop, Trance, 2-Step, or Drum ’n’ Bass. In addition, it also. includes some of the latest sounds developed by Spectrasonics, the. American company that is known for its range of high-quality CD-. The SRX-05 includes a great number of rhythm sounds, including. 133 different snare sounds and 113 kick sounds, alon

Roland罗兰乐器SRX-11 完美的钢琴音色Owner’s Manual用户手册
Roland罗兰乐器SRX-11 完美的钢琴音色Owner’s Manual用户手册

Thank you, and congratulations on your choice of the SRX-11. The high-quality piano sounds provided by this expansion. board can be used in a broad range of styles, ranging from. pop and jazz to film scores and classical music.A lavish amount of waveform memory is used, with stereo. multisamples for each of the eighty-eight keys, and four. The patches have been carefully selected to take full. advantage of the quality and expressiveness of the. * Roland’s RD-700SX contains waveforms derived fr
